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Minna Kauppi's tips for Lakia-Jukola

Minna Kauppi's tips for Lakia-Jukola

Lakia Jukola is due in a week and everyone is probably slowly starting to get butterflies in the stomach. In cooperation with VJ, I will now give you the best tips for Lakia Jukola.   Equipment Sho...

MAXx2 - twice as good?

MAXx2 - twice as good?

In this blog, we go over the new VJ MAXx2 in all of its glory, component by component. What's in it, what is it made of and why? Is it twice the shoe its' predecessor was? Read this blog and find o...

Lightspeed, what's in it and why?

Lightspeed, what's in it and why?

In this blog we take a look at what's inside the Lightspeed and go over why the specific components were chosen. Everything in the shoe is there for a reason, read this post and understand why!